Sunday, January 22, 2023

Aeronaut Bella

This is a well known kit and there are plenty of examples to be found via a search of the internet. This kit was acquired via a friend from a person who had bought it but it was never started. The original purchaser had also obtained two servos and had kindly printed off the English version of the instructions.

Although Aeronaut is a German company, the website has an English option and its also possible to download the instructions for any of the models, which is useful to assess the suitability of any kit before purchase.

The general quality of the kit is excellent, as are the instructions. The wooden parts are laser cut. What appealed about the kit was its the good aesthetics, so the aim is for it to sail well and for it to also make a good display model. The first task was to give the mahogany sides a couple of coats of thinned varnish. The laser cuts can just be seen in the photograph.

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